5 Steps to Turn Your Passion Into Your Profession

Your frustrations often reveal your passions. So many people say it would be great if they could just quit their day job and pursue their passion full time, to start a business or write a book or launch a blog. But that’s all it is, talk. To those people, I say: Stop talking about it and do something. Turn your passion into your profession. Here’s how. 1. Start. Without getting too much into the psychology of the self-defeating fixed mindset, there is only one way to break this type of thinking: Shut up and act. Do something. Read the top 10 books about the subject. Personally interview a minimum of five people who are already in that industry. Buy the domain name. Write the blog. Put your money (time and energy) where your mouth is. You do not have to quit your day job. In fact you should not quit until your side project generates enough income for you to do so. The bottom line is that you must act if you want to change. You have to choose to do something different. Y...