In this article I’m going to share with all of you a method to overcome any challenge you face in your life. It’s really simple but effective as hell. The method works because I use it every single day of my life and, for now, I have no complaints about it, but rather the opposite; thanks to this method I’ve achieved many goals I had in my life and I hope you will take advantage of it too. Implement this method to your daily routine and you will be able to solve any problem you have. Why is so important to face challenges? First of all, I want to make clear this: challenges are necessary in order to grow as individuals; they are necessary to improve our skills and polish up our talents; to help us to become a successful individual in whatever endeavor we are involved in. And, above all, challenges help us to discover who we really are and what we can do in difficult situations. “Opposition is a natural part of life. Just as we develop our physical muscles through over...