Turn potential into performance by winning at each phase of
Chimaobi Iroha
“The credit belongs to the man who is actually
in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives
valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great
enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at
the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at the
worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.” —Theodore Roosevelt
The degree of our
success is directly related to the degree in which we excel in and balance
certain segments, or principles, of our life. Every person, organization and business can,
and should, operate out of the following seven arenas.
Here’s how:
1. I Am: Arena of Values
Every person, organization and business has values, and they may
not know or be able to articulate what they are, but they have them. The values of a business are what
they believe in: What do they think is important?
What a company
values will affect the way the business runs and the employees act and work, so
it is important to know what those values are. Here are some questions for you
to ask: What do we think is important? What do we hope to accomplish? What do
we believe in as we go about our work?
Is there clear
indication in your workplace or home that you are operating in the Arena of
Values? Can you say without a doubt that “I Am,” or “We Are”?
2. I Should: Arena of Responsibility
What are the
responsibilities that we must live by?
• To be
a person and company of high integrity. Ultimately we are only a success to the degree that
we are honorable people. This means that we are honest, hardworking and
forthright. I don’t think it matters how much money one accumulates if they are
not a person of integrity.
• To
make our families priority. Sometimes I think of all the people I help
and work so hard for day by day and realize that none of them will be at my
side when I breathe my last breath. My wife and children will fill those
spots—so they get the most from me.
• To give
to charity. One of the things that rounds us out as healthy, successful
people is to give away money, time and possessions, free of all strings.
Instead of a N2,000 check every now and
then, put it into your budget to give away a certain amount every month—make it
big, make it a sacrifice. At first you will think it is impossible, but it will
come around. At the end of your life, you will be able to look back and see the
difference you have made.
3. I Could: Arena of Possibility
People often get
so caught up in the day to day that they lose their zest for life. They get the
nose to the grindstone, and may be doing important work, but they forget to dream. They
forget to think of what could be.
How is your
business in the arena of possibility? What would happen if at your next staff
meeting, whether you have 30 people or just you and your partner, you asked the
question, “What are the possibilities for
this business to really do something great?”
I think that you
would probably be astounded at what you might hear.
People have great
ideas, dreams and possibilities inside of them—they just need someone to stop
the treadmill and ask the question, surrounded by an atmosphere of acceptance.
4. I Would: Arena of Negotiation
Every possibility
has a cost associated with it. At this point, an organization not only says “we
could” but also internally negotiates with questions about the tradeoffs, like:
If this is to come
about, what will the cost be? Is it worth it?
If this comes
about, what will the ramifications be in other areas of my business? What other
adjustments would have to be made, and are they worth it?
What would the
reward have to be in order for me to pursue this possibility?
How long will it
take me to reach this possibility? In light of that, do I want to read just the
organization for that period of time?
Take some time to
measure the costs of your possibilities. Then, when you find the ones that are
good for you, go for it.
5. I Want To: Arena of Vision
Now, of those
possibilities, what ones would you really like to do? The ideas that stir our
passions for excellence become things that we can easily “see.” They can become
our “vision.”
In order for
something to happen, someone has to first see it happening long before it
actually does. If money, and time, were no object, if you knew that you
couldn’t fail at your attempt, what would you want to try? Then, why not try?
This is your vision. And a
vision is a powerful thing—it’s what drives success and accomplishment.
Great things
come when we dream, and vision drives us to attempt things far beyond where we
are right now.
“Far better
it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, though checkered by
failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy, nor suffer
much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor
6. I Will: Arena of Dedication
Perseverance is
the most important thing in work. I have come to believe that much of what
separates the successful from the unsuccessful is simply determination. The
successful are not always the brightest, the best looking or those with the most
prestigious diplomas. Instead, they are the ones who say, “I will do this!” and
“Hardship will not deter me!” These people have entered into and continually
live in the arena of dedication. Staying there long enough usually puts them on
is a key to success. So the next step? Hard work! Recognize all of the hard
work that will be involved in achieving your dreams, then spend some time
preparing to meet the challenges. Here are some questions to help you get
through the process, prepare yourself for the job ahead and come out on the end
of success.
• What are the
obstacles we will face?
• How will we
overcome those obstacles?
• What kinds of
attitudes and dedication will we need to exhibit when the time comes to face
difficulties and uphill battles?
• What are the
rewards our dedication will bring to us as individuals and corporately?
Focusing in on
these questions will help you prepare for the times when you will need to show
dedication, perseverance and inner fortitude. The mental preparation now will
strengthen you to succeed later.
7. I Do: Arena of Accomplishment
comes when the job is complete. What is important at this stage? A few things:
• A little rest.
It isn’t time to sit back for good, but resting can be a much-needed reward for
all of the hard work you have shown up until now. After the pace of pursuing
your dreams, your body and mind need some well-deserved rest.
• A little
celebration. Celebrations are great for us. What is all the work for if one
can’t enjoy the fruit of his labor? Maybe it is a small dinner out. Maybe it is
a huge celebration for 100 of your closest friends and business associates.
Maybe it is an exotic vacation.
• A sense of
fulfillment. The greatest reward is, as the old saying goes, “the satisfaction
of a job well done.” Not many people make it to the accomplishment arena very
often. Enjoy the satisfaction!
• A new high bar.
One of the great things about life is the challenge of new heights. You have
accomplished your task, and that’s good, but... what’s next?
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